Friday, April 4, 2008

Bad places to get dumped

When it comes time to dump your man/woman, where you do it is almost as important as how you do it.
If you make a mistake and call things off in the wrong place, it will be almost impossible to bow out gracefully. At best, you'll be embarrassed. At worst, you could be maimed.
According to, here's a list of some of the worst places to end a relationship:
At your house -- You never want to give them an opportunity to break your things. Also, it eliminates your ability to walk away -- literally. You're stuck. Go to her house, which would allow you to make a run for it when you choose.
On vacation -- A no-brainer. Ruining a trip is just stupid -- and a waste of money. If you're stuck on vacation with asomeone you want to dump, pretend you love them, try to get them to do some kinky stuff in bed, then dump them when you get home.
On a plane -- Again, in this post-911 world, a no-brainer. You don't need a hysterical chick freaking out on you in a 747. There are armed Air Marshals up there in the sky with you. The last thing you want is to get their attention.
In the car -- This is the most dangerous place to dump, especially if he/she wasn't expecting it. You want to kill the relationship -- not yourself.
At a bar -- Dumping omeone while hopped up on booze means you're not bringing your A-game. Nobody needs extra doses of drama -- or a drunken audience.
In a restaurant -- You would think this would be a great place to dump someone. It's face-to-face and reasonably quiet. And, even though they are getting dumped, you'd think they’d be happy to get at least one more free meal out of the relationship. (Double desserts!) The problem is there's no privacy -- and there's the potential for that gawking audience again.
Text - Ditching them with a text, e-mail, Facebook wall post, or over the phone is for boys. Be a man. Show up and dump her in person. Then, and only then, can you walk with pride to the next singles bar to start scamming on new chicks.