Tuesday, May 6, 2008

save $100 a month!

1. Stop smoking!
At $4.00 a pack, and a pack a day, if you stop smoking today,
that's $120.00 a month you've saved, not to mention the midnight
runs to the convenience store to get a pack of cigs.

2. Stop buying coffee at the coffee shop.
At $5.00 a cup, plus how much is that brownie you got to eat with
your coffee? That's $150.00 a month. Saved! Ka-ching, Ka-ching.
You're doing it!

3. Make all errands in one trip.
Stop doing all those extra trips to town. You can probably save half
a tank of gas, if not more each month just by cutting the extra trips
to town. Get groceries on the way home from work! You can do it, just
plan better.

4. Shut off the cable.
There are so many things you can do in the evening that don't have
anything to do with television. Perhaps a walk, play with the kids,
walk through parking lots looking for dropped coins. Try baking
cookies for snacks instead of buying them.

5. Eat at home.